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ProHome Warranty Process


Dear Valued Homeowner,

Thank you for contacting us about your 30 day or 11-month warranty term walk through.

Please use the following steps which will guide you through our process in a seamless manner.

There is a great deal of home maintenance associated with owning a home. Many homeowners assume that general home maintenance is covered under their warranty which it is not.

Items entered into the ProHome system are limited to warranty failures only as outlined in the ProHome manual. Scratches, Dents, Nicks any cosmetic damage, items from your original walk or contractual items should not be entered as they are not covered through the ProHome warranty process. 


Please note the following important items.

1.      All drywall, concrete, floor squeaks, and tile issues will be held to the 11 month walk as a onetime repair at the end of the warranty term. 


2.      Items from your pre-close walk or contractual items should not be entered into our system as they are not processed through the ProHome system.


3.      Please review the guidelines in the ProHome manual as we follow each warranty item to its associated guideline. A link to our online manual can be found at


4.      To ensure your Warranty Items are reviewed before your warranty has expired, you must contact us by your 11 Month Anniversary from closing.

Make sure you have combined like items as one item such as drywall and our representative will document in more detail during your warranty walk.


Start by making a list of each of your warranty requests that you have verified to be valid based on the guidelines listed in our ProHome manual.


If you do not find your issue in the warranty manual, it is most likely not a warranty item that is covered under your builders’ warranty.

Once you have identified valid warranty failures in the manual and grouped them by subject, you will then have an idea of the # of items you will be reporting. Once we have your number of items, we will then send you the username and password to enter your items. We do not need to know what they are, just how many!


Average 30 day warranty requests are found to be under 5 warranty failures and 11 month are usually less than 10 requests. If you are requesting more than that, our staff may requests that you email your list for our review and help combine and help you understand our system.

Once you have an accurate count of valid warranty items, contact our scheduling department at or 248-449-1100 x103 and let them know how many items you have and they will initiate your user id to allow you to enter your items.


Why do we use this process:

Based on items entered into our system, we are able to provide statistical reports for each of our builders of the failures they are having in their homes. This helps correct items in the future and eliminate future warranty repairs.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office at (248) 449-1100 extension 103.



Nicole Patterson


Office    248.449.1100 Ext. 103
Fax   248.449.1101

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